Legacy 4 – Tomb of Secrets Walkthrough [Chapter 1]

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Legacy 4 Tomb of Secrets walkthrough for chapter 1 is here for everyone that was waiting for it. I’ll guide you every step of the way to make sure you finish it up.

Not as edgy as my last walkthrough for Escape Room – The Mist Chapter 1, but it sure has its mysteries ready for us to solve together.

Follow my lead on this walkthrough for Legacy 4 Tomb of Secrets so you know exactly how to finish up this first chapter and move on to the next one.

Legacy 4 Tomb of Secrets Chapter 1 Walkthrough

Legacy 4 Tomb of Secrets Starting Point
  • The first thing you need to do is move to the other side of this cave and pick up the blue jewel.
  • Then turn around and go back where you started and drag the blue jewel from your inventory next to the others.
  • If you noticed the 3 symbols on the other hexagon, where you found the blue jewel, you will see which symbols you need to press on the panel: Turtle – snake – beetle
  • Now push the handle up and move to the other side and arrange the symbols in the light spots that showed up.
  • The hexagonal door will move to the side and you’re going to be able to move through the tunnel.
Legacy 4 Tomb of Secrets Outside
  • Move forward and then to the boat by the deck where you’ll find a note for Mira.
  • It is giving you a warning about a man and clues about a statue and an hourglass.
  • Move over to your left and hop over to the round platform.
  • You’ll go up and find yourself in a new room.
Legacy 4 Tomb of Secrets Platforms
  • Go to the panel with the light beam on.
  • Move the green triangle in the way of the beam so it lights up the eye.
  • Then move the other object so the beam reaches the end.
Legacy 4 Tomb of Secrets Beam Puzzle 1
  • Another platform will show up for you to use and go down with it.
Legacy 4 Tomb of Secrets Mummy Room
  • Move over to the glowing letter and read it and pick up the star key off the floor.
  • Go back up on the platform and put the star key on the device next to the third platform that isn’t working yet.
  • Now you need to redirect another beam of light through all the eye symbols and to both ends.
Legacy 4 Tomb of Secrets Beam Puzzle 2
  • Move down with the third platform now and explore.
Legacy 4 Tomb of Secrets Water Room
  • Follow the bridge over to the opening and through the tunnel.
Legacy 4 Tomb of Secrets Through the tunnel
  • Go to the sun on the floor and grab the key.
  • Use the key on the lock on the panel on the wall next to the big pipes.
  • Press the button inside and go on the sun on the floor to look at the numbers that are shown: 268 seem circled around.
  • Now you have to solve the maze and connect the start on the left with the end.
  • Go through the tunnel to the new room and read the glowing letter on the left.
  • Check out the weights on the table and take the snowflake key.
  • See how much each symbol weights:
    • Bird = 9
    • Eye = 2
    • Ancient cross = 17
  • Go to the panel with the symbol and enter the number: 9172
  • Pull the lever to activate it.
  • To the right of the opening, there’s a cog leaning on the wall.
  • Take it and pull the lever above it up.
  • Take the cog back through the tunnel and set it next to the other cog on the left.
  • Go to the two handles at the edge of the hole and pull the one with the green light up.
  • Now you can go across the lowered bridge to the other side and through the tunnel.
  • Check out the edge and notice the numbers on the columns: 539 (V – III – IX)
  • Enter those digits in the device to the right, go sit on the platform and look at the numbers you can see now and remember 368
  • Push the third button to go up.
  • Check out the letter left here and solve the puzzle by using the handles on the right and that under it to move the sun across to reach the other red sun.
  • Right – up – right – up – left – down – right – down – left – up – left
  • It will show you 4 symbols when it is done: snake – turtle – hands – turtle.
  • Go to the device with the arrows and push the bottom arrow of the first pipe twice.
  • The second bottom arrow 5 times, and the third 7 times. (368 circles)
  • Now go to the platform and push the first button to go down to another room.
  • Grab the crystal fluid on the left table and put it inside the round device here.
  • Put more crystal fluid in the sphere across from this.
  • Move the sphere to aim above the red crystals on the left.
  • Go to the panel next to the water pipes and press them as they showed you.
  • Now to be able to move on the other side you need to do this pattern:
    • Hands – snake – turtle – turtle (but make sure you get on the platform after hands when it moves to you, and off the platform when it reaches snake)
  • Now go through the tunnel and read the letter.
  • Take the crowbar and go back.
  • Now you don’t really have to teleport back, but you can open up the map in the top right corner and pick the last image of this room.
  • Use the crowbar to dislodge the yellow cube and it will fly into the water.
  • Click on the map and tap on the 6th image.
  • Move to the lever on the left and pull it down.
  • Go back to map no. 9 and use the panel to go down with the platform: hands – down – down – up
  • Go on the platform after the first movement and wait for it to drop down and when it’s all the way to the bottom, grab the yellow cube and wait for the platform to go up again.
  • Open the maps and go to map no. 7 to put the yellow cube in the beam puzzle there.
Legacy 4 Tomb of Secrets Beam Puzzle 4
  • Press the green button to start the beam.
  • Step into the platform where the light beam stops and drag the device to face the crystals on the other side so the platform starts moving.
  • Get down off the platform when it reaches the other side and go through the tunnel.
  • Go to the left and grab the hook from the puzzle there.
  • Rearrange the pieces to fit perfectly, no loose ends.
  • Pull the lever down to start the pump, then go to the sphere on the other side, put some crystal fluid in it to start it.
  • Open the maps and go to no.8 and use the hook on the fallen golden chain.
  • Then drag the chain with the hook to the elevator and go down with it.
  • Go to map no.9 and go up the stairs to the left and through the tunnel.
  • Go read the letter and grab the strange looking fuse on the ground.
  • Click on the map and tap on the 6th image.
  • Move to the lever on the left and pull it up so it drains the water again.
  • Go to 9 and pull the second lever up so it fills the tub and pulls it down.
  • Now you can use the stairs and go over the bridge to the other side and through the tunnel.
  • Go to the left and use the fuse to fix the pipe.
  • Pull down the lever to the right so the stairs go down.
  • Go down the stairs and pull up the lever that didn’t work before.
  • Make sure the other lever is pulled down.
  • Go to map no. 10 and set the light beam on the ceiling to the glowing area on the left.
  • The water will start draining so you can get down now.
  • The golden glowing pipes look like a H.
  • Go inside the wooden building and try to solve the beam puzzle inside.
Legacy 4 Tomb of Secrets Beam Puzzle 3
  • Take the hacksaw and go to the pump and cut through the drain bars.
  • Take the oil from inside and go to the stairs.
  • Use the oil on the lever there.
  • Pull the lever down and go up to see the golden glowing pipes that look like the letter U.
  • Go inside the wooden shack and look up, the pipes are glowing in the shape of the letter R.
  • Spell HUR on the letters on the wall and pull on the lever.
  • Grab the key and go up the stairs to use it on the box there.
  • Put some crystal fluid in the sphere.
  • Go to the first beam and move it to the right, next to H pipes.
  • Go to the second beam and aim it in the same spot.
  • Now go back to the first beam and aim it through the hole.
  • It will activate the mechanism and drain the water from map no. 4 and you’ll find a door there.
  • Go to map no.3 and read the letter.
  • Take the blue diamond and pull down the lever.
  • Go to no.4 and put the blue diamond on the door.

Wrapping up

As you go through the tunnel, this is how the Chapter 1 of Legacy 4 – Tomb of Secrets ends. But don’t worry, there’s more to come.

Follow me for Chapter to of Legacy 4 – Tomb of Secrets walkthrough so we can advance together and find all the mysteries and solve all the puzzles.


Escape Room: The Mist Walkthrough [Chapter 2]

Legacy 4 – Tomb of Secrets Walkthrough [Chapter 2]


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