Peek a Phone John Doe Walkthrough

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We have a brand new mission to solve in Peek a Phone! Today’s walkthrough covers the John Doe mission, giving you step-by-step instructions on how to complete it without any headaches.

PRO TIP: If you need help with all the in-game missions, check out my Peek a Phone walkthrough hub! It’s easy to navigate and quick to load!

Now, let’s not waste a single second, as we have a mystery to solve! Here is my complete – and easy-to-follow – Peek A Phone John Doe Walkthrough!

Peek a Phone John Doe Walkthrough

  • Unlock the phone with the time on the clock: 1150
  • You can read the news about the accident then go to the Chat message that you receive.
  • It asks you for a 6 digit passcode that you can find in his Untitled Notes:
    • TWO – go [Untitled] and see what numbers correspond to each letter: 221209
  • Enter that code in the Chat and find the police reports.
  • It gives you a clue to the key “birth of the man who cracked the Enigma
    • A quick search will tell you that’s: 06231912
  • Enter that password into the Calculator app to find the Police reports.
  • Read the second to last report – 20241021_002 – officer Diana Brooks, to see where the driver in the accident was taken to: St. Simon hospital
  • Look into the Hospital news about the outages and find the phone to St. Simon: 870-555-0164
  • Go give it a call to find out where they are holding the agent.
  • Look through the St. Simon residents and find out which John Doe is the agent you’re looking for.
  • Going with the rose he has on his phone, it’s safe to assume that the John Doe with a rose tattoo is the agent, and he’s in room 111, bed A

Answer: St. Simon, room 111, bed A

Check out my full video walkthrough for Peek a Phone – John Doe:

You have completed this mission, but there are even more in the game – some even more amazing (and difficult) and some truly mind-blowing.

I have the solutions for them all, so refer to the walkthrough hub I mentioned in the intro to get them. Or just check out some random missions I’ve selected below:

If you still have questions about the solution to Peek a Phone Paparazzi, comment below! Also, let us all know which is your favorite in-game mission so far and/or if you’d like me to produce video walkthroughs for all chapters.


Peek a Phone Butterflies Walkthrough – All Parts

Peek a Phone Riddlemaker Walkthrough


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