Peek a Phone Hostage Situation Walkthrough

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We have a brand new mission to solve in Peek a Phone! Today’s walkthrough covers the Hostage Situation chapter, giving you step-by-step instructions on how to complete it without any headaches.

PRO TIP: If you need help with all the in-game missions, check out my Peek a Phone walkthrough hub!

Now, let’s not waste a single second, as we have a mystery to solve! Here is my complete – and easy-to-follow – Peek A Phone Hostage Situation walkthrough!

Peek a Phone Hostage Situation Part 1

  • The Email app will give you a clue of going to the Internet app and see the search history.
  • Tap on the Butch Cassidy’s Fate and then go to the Calendar app an enter the password: Butch
  • Look at the calendar and note the “first bank heist anniversary” date (it will differ from player to player as the calendar is up to present date)
  • Enter that date in the Message App, example May 20 should be: 0520
  • Read the message from BOSSMAN to see the number of hostages.

Answer: 58

Also read, for even more puzzle-solving awesomeness: Adventure Escape Mysteries Framed Walkthrough.

Peek a Phone Hostage Situation – Part 2

  • Swipe up and enter the number on the lockscreen picture: 1933
  • Check the Contacts App and go to Notes to find a password for the Notes app: swindle12
  • Look at the first note with all the gang member names an their roles: Emblem
  • That’s the code for the Save a ton app and where you’ll find the righ comand to give Lila to not kill the hostage.
  • Answer Lila in chat: Hang fire

Peek a Phone Hostage Situation – Part 3

  • Look through his messages with Rume and read that article about the hostage situation.
  • Ask him for the Blueprints, to which he will need proof it’s really you and he’ll ask for Cody’s anniversary date.
  • The owner’s name is Cody and the article says that he has a son named Kyle.
  • Go to Save-A-Ton app and to the Photos there to enter the name as a password.
  • Look through the photos to find the wedding date on the last photo: 01/13/2016
  • Go tell that to Rume and he’ll send you the blueprints.

For more mysteries, I recommend checking out my Machinika: Atlas Walkthrough.

Peek a Phone Hostage Situation – Part 4

  • Open the Chat app to talk to the Officer.
  • You’ll have to look at the the blueprint that you have on the phone to help him reach the Control Panel:
  • Employee entrance
  • Left
  • Straight ahead
  • Left (Towards the trash)

Peek a Phone Hostage Situation – Part 5

  • Read the news in Town News app and note Rume’s old job.
  • Enter Shield Force as a password in the Casual app.
  • The Shield Force Official post says how to crack the code:
  • Add up the first 3 digits of your phone number, then multiply by 5.
  • Enter the solution into the calcualtor app.
  • Go to Contacts and to Me and note the first 3 digits: 978
  • (9+7+8)x5=120
  • Enter that number in the Calculator app.
  • Look at the Blueprint to see What kind of lock it is: Ambassador
  • Open the DoorJam.pdf in the Calculator app and note the Amabassador code.

Answer: MAT9843

This is it! You have completed this mission too, but there are even more in the game – some even more amazing (and difficult) than this one. I have the solutions for them all, so refer to the walkthrough hub I mentioned in the intro to get them. Or just check out some random missions I’ve selected below:

If you still have questions about the solution to Peek a Phone Hostage Situation, comment below! Also let us all know which is your favorite in-game mission so far!


Peek a Phone Dirty Secrets Walkthrough

Peek a Phone Mr. X Walkthrough


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