Peek a Phone From Boris With Love Walkthrough

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We have a brand new mission to solve in Peek a Phone! Today’s walkthrough covers the From Boris With Love chapter, giving you step-by-step instructions on how to complete it without any headaches.

PRO TIP: I have created this massive Peek a Phone walkthroughs page where you can find the solutions to each chapter in the game. It’s constantly updated, too

Now, let’s not waste any time and solve our mystery! Read on for the complete  – and easy-to-follow – Peek A Phone From Boris With Love walkthrough! We’ll start with a video walkthrough you can watch, but if you prefer the text version, simply ignore the video.

  • Press on the gear on the bottom (white app) and tap on Translate so you can understand what other apps are.
  • The hint for the password on the Message app is a blue heart so find the contact with the blue heart in the Contact app.
  • So write Nikita as a password and read Irinei’s chat where it says he’s the Cold Tiger.
  • Open the Geiger app and write that secret name in.
  • Open Operations and follow the instructions to Download the Extraction app with the code: TIGER01
  • Go to Downloader app and find the Extraction app, once downloaded enter that code, and you can find his last name for the username, in the last news Datsyuk.

For more puzzle-solving, I recommend checking out Nobodies Silent Blood Walkthrough.

  • Remember the location: Akutan Island, Alaska then go to Geiger app and read the Me chat to find the hint for the email password.
  • Enter Akutan1979 as a password for his email.
  • Open the last email from Ksenia and note the Storm Cloud logo.
  • Open the Notes app and enter that as a password.
  • Open My Dilema note and look at the last entry date (mine is July 31st)
  • Open the Vault app with that password (mine was 3107)
  • Open the Cipher and the Work note to see the hint for the password for Climate hub icebreaker.
  • In the email from Front desk you’ll find an image of his ID card, remember: 31267
  • Enter that in the Climate Hub app, and the password.
  • Read the Message from Ksenia to find the factory control key cipher (6 symbols), which you need to decipher.
  • The password is arctic, so use that to open the Factory Controls, then move the first 2 controls to 0 and the last control to 100.
  • Open the last message received to finish the mission.

You have now completed this mission, but there’s a lot more in the game. Check out the walkthrough hub I mentioned in the intro, or take a look at some other random missions below:

If you still have questions about the solution to Peek a Phone From Boris With Love, comment below! Also, let us all know which is your favorite in-game mission so far!


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