Tricky Doors Walkthrough Episode 7 – Hospital

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Here I go again with another walkthrough for you of Tricky Doors episode 7, wandering the hospital.

In my last walkthrough for Tricky Doors episode 6, we searched through the museum and found our way out of it.

Now it’s time to meet some fantasy creature, solve the mysteries of the unusual hospital and get out of here.

Tricky Doors Walkthrough Episode 7 – Hospital Story

Follow these steps in order to make sure you escape and finish the level. It won’t work if you try to jump over some of these steps. The game will make sure you do everything right.

Tricky Doors – Level 7: Hospital Full Walkthrough

Tricky Doors Walkthrough Episode 7 – Hospital First Room
  • Check the desk in front of you and take the handle (1/2) from the corner and take a look at the clue note, you’ll need it later.
  • There’s a cord on the chair that you can take.
  • By the hospital bed there’ a table, you can find a scalpel there and ammonia.
  • Look at the table board on the wall and use the ammonia to wipe it.
  • Fix the board with the cord you found.
  • Above the werewolf’s bed is his record. It says 7458 on it.
  • Use the scalpel on the back of the chair to find another handle (2/2)
  • Go to the drawers on the right and check out the opened one.
  • Put the handles here and remember that note. Each player has different numbers.
  • Rotate the knobs accordingly to the note (take note of where 1 and 3 are on them):
  • Once you made all 3 connections it will open and you can find x-ray images and a token (1/3)
  • Put the x-ray images on the light up board.
  • There are some dots on the bottom of the images 1342.
  • Try that code on the door lock.
  • Now solve the puzzle by moving the ball, using the arrows and spinning the tiles, to reach it’s spot on the right.
  • It might take a while but then you can go to the other room.
Tricky Doors Walkthrough Episode 7 – Hospital Second Room
  • Take the ruler from the desk on the left and the glue.
  • There are some colored folders on the desk. Remember the color pattern:
    • red-yellow-blue-green
  • Go back to the first room and try the pattern on the desk drawer.
  • After it opens take part of card (1/3), a screwdriver and a glass pipe.
  • Now go to the other room and move the waiting benches to the side.
  • Use the screwdriver to move the grill and get to those leaves.
  • Move the leaves to the side and you’ll find a lighter and a key.
  • Use the key on the drawer at the desk in this room.
  • Solve the mini-game by pressing the buttons and moving the tokens so they reach their place.
  • Each player has a different kind of puzzle, so you need to do it on your own.
  • Inside you’ll find a coin and another part of card (2/3)
  • But also notice the candy inside.
  • Go to the candy-bar vending machine and insert the coin.
  • The correct candy is the one at number 11. Press that number to get it.
  • You’ll find the last part of card (3/3)
  • Use the ruler in your inventory to put the card pieces on it and use the glue to fix it.
  • Use the fixed card on the door next to the vending machine and enter the room.
Tricky Doors Walkthrough Episode 7 – Hospital Third Room
  • Check the cabinets on the other side of the room.
  • Take the spatula from next to the centrifuge machine.
  • Use the screwdriver to get the valve of the sink on the left.
  • Use this on the juice machine in the second room so you completely drain the juice.
  • It will reveal a number 6371.
  • Use this number to open the locker room cabinet in the third room.
  • You’ll find a token (2/3) in the coat and a flash drive.
  • Go back to the first room and use the spatula to dig in the 3rd token (3/3) out of the cactus pot and a heat tablet that was under.
  • Use the three tokens to the puzzle on the left that locks the blue cabinet.
  • To solve it you need to assemble the pattern so all the lines are connected.
Tricky Doors Walkthrough Episode 7 – Hospital Line Pattern 1
Tricky Doors Walkthrough Episode 7 – Hospital Line Pattern 2
Tricky Doors Walkthrough Episode 7 – Hospital Line Pattern 3
  • Look inside and take the key.
  • Use it in the third room on the lock of the fridge.
  • Get the syringe and a handle.
  • Go to the second room, at the laptop, insert the flash drive and enter the code on the patient’s notes 7458.
  • Now you need to follow the instructions on the screen.
Tricky Doors Walkthrough Episode 7 – Hospital Medicine Recipe
  • You’ need to find the 3 test tubes in the picture first.
    • One is in the fridge, purple test tube.
    • Second is on the green cabinet to the left, red test tube
    • And third is in the first room, inside the cabinet where you found the last key, green test tube.
  • Go to the centrifuge machine, insert the handle in its spot.
  • Put all three test tubes in it and turn it on.
  • Take the test tube of mixture and go to the green cabinet where all the chemistry things are.
  • Put the test tube of mixture over the burner.
  • Place the heat tablet under the tube and set the glass pipe above the tube.
  • Use the lighter to burn the heat tablet and take the syringe to fill it with medicine.
  • Go to the werewolf and check out his hand.
  • Give him the syringe with the medicine so he stops moving.
  • Now you can take the magnetic key from its paw.
  • Go to the Exit door and use the magnetic key on it.
  • It will show you some instructions on what you need to do.
    • Kick the trash can in the third room, on the left.
    • On the bottom it says Running man.
    • Check the sign above the Exit door of the running man, it says stethoscope
    • Check the stethoscope on the desk in the first room, it says television
    • In the second room there’s a TV above the juice machine, it says medical history
    • The medical note above the hospital bed has some numbers (different for each player):
      • 46721
      • 53216
      • 54735
  • One of these passwords will work on the Exit door. Try one at a time until it opens.
  • Now you can escape the hospital.

Wrapping up

I bet you’re pretty glad you escape the Hospital, and it was fun to solve all these puzzles of Tricky Doors level 7, hope it helped you as well.

Next time we’re going to meet at the Theater to solve all the puzzles in Tricky Doors episode 8, I’m sure you’ll have lots of fun in solving it together.


Zoo Park Story Guide: Tips & Tricks to Play Better

Tricky Doors Walkthrough Episode 8 – Theater


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