The Unbeatable Game – IQ is a brand new “impossible” type of game that will prove that thinking outside the box is usually the easiest route when it comes to winning. Of course, it won’t be always just as simple, so we’re here to help you out with some The Unbeatable Game cheats and a walkthrough for the game so that you can keep playing it. It won’t be easy, but it’s doable.
We’re starting with the first level of the game and its first few levels, after which you are on your own until we manage to figure it out. But until then, make sure you keep playing this amazing title and do your best to win it as fast as possible!
The Unbeatable Game Level 1 walkthrough: shake your device until the glass breaks. You will have to try multiple ways of shaking as it doesn’t always work flawlessly. But it will!
The Unbeatable Game Level 2 walkthrough: The answer is “Nephew”
The Unbeatable Game Level 3 walkthrough: Tap the word “Bicylce”
The Unbeatable Game Level 4 walkthrough: Tap the letter “Z” on the triangle.
The Unbeatable Game Level 5 walkthrough: Tap the letters to write “HumanBeing”
The Unbeatable Game Level 6 walkthrough: Notice that your number of lives jumped to 6. So tap that number in the upper right corner.
The Unbeatable Game Level 7 walkthrough: You are required to blow the candle out, so simply blow in your device’s microphone.
The Unbeatable Game Level 8 walkthrough: What do you get when you go uphill, then downhill and go across in the middle? The answer is “A”
The Unbeatable Game Level 9 walkthrough: Create a fire alarm: Tap the red button slowly to see the Zs, then quickly until you pass the level
The Unbeatable Game Level 10 walkthrough: Correct the arrows: using two fingers, tap on the arrows then rotate them upwards.
The Unbeatable Game Level 11 walkthrough: “What comes next to December 31st?” Tap the question mark at the end of the question.
The Unbeatable Game Level 12 walkthrough: Cut the rope: Tap the exact middle of the rope in order to start cutting it. Keep tapping (three times) until it’s completely cut.
The Unbeatable Game Level 13 walkthrough: Tap the number which should replace the ?: Tap number 5.
The Unbeatable Game Level 14 walkthrough: “What time is it?” 2AM
The Unbeatable Game Level 15 walkthrough: “Hey, I have got four eyes but trust me, I can’t see.” Mississippi
The Unbeatable Game Level 16 walkthrough: Shake your device until 5 birds can be seen and use the + to input 5.
The Unbeatable Game Level 17 walkthrough: Tap the order: -25 -20 -13 -3 2 8 19
The Unbeatable Game Level 18 walkthrough: The same thing, but the requirement question does not disappear. I wasn’t able to complete this level, so any help is welcome!
So these would be for now the walkthrough solutions and cheats for The Unbeatable Game, which is way more difficult than it seems at first. If you have more help for fellow players, don’t hesitate to share it below in the comment section.
Tap the red circle quickly and repeatedly.
Keep tapping the button
How do you pass the kiwi level!?!?
I need help on the up down right left fixy thing I’m so confuse
You use two fingers to rotate it
Twist it with two fingers
Drag a moon out the the side of your screen
use two fingers to rotate the arrows
It’s the second number order one. It’s the same numbers but in a different Order what’s the order
You do the first order one, then you touch ‘tap’ and ‘order’ at the same time xx
What’s the order? I don’t get it
it doesnt work :/
You tap ‘the and order’ at the same time
That doesn’t work.
How do I beat the ‘Cut The Rope’ level?
You have to touch the rope right in the middle a few times xx
Please help how do you do the kiwi level, I really can’t wake it up! Thank you xx
Drag from the Side of your screen to get a moon place it over the sun
Tap the ? Next to it
I don’t know what to do in level 17-18 help please
How do u do the island rails??
You shake your device and more will appear
There’s no cheat for this. You just have to time it right.
Level 41 the who am I?????????
How do I do level 20???
I still don’t know ๐
Mississippi has 4eyes
How do i remove the key from the donkey?
Go up to the word donKEY and drag the word key away
Help still stuck on level 41 the who am I riddle????
How do we blow the candle out
Blow In the mic
Level 26??? Helppp
Make 100 less than 1
I am stuck on the “how many island rails are on the tree
The first time it asks to make 100<1, take the period at the end of the sentence and put it in front of the 100. (.100<1) then the second time rub the '1' on the 100 until it disappears.
Shake the tree and more island rails appear.
I am so confused =|
Help! Stuck on the second question that says ‘tap the order’ I’ve tried every order I could think of!
Tap the words “the order” at the same time
Every time I do that, it buzzes me and I flunk.
How do I do
Prove 6+8=0?????
Level 13? The what number should replace the ?
Stuck on 54 great! Now move onto the next level
How ???
I am stuck on level 18, it is the same thing as 17 (the “tap the order” riddle) but 18 don’t work the Sam as 17, now…. HeLp ME pLs
Can’t figure out the answer to 29
I’m stuck on 20
How am I supposed to do level 18!! Every time I press 19 it puts an x
Tap the words “the order” at the same time
Level 26? The sea one
For this one you drag the E from sea into the picture of the sea
For level 18 tap the words “the order” at the same time ๐
Level 44 help!!!!
Level 47!!
29??? Help please!!!!!
Level 41 “I work 24/7 365 days a year”???
Help stuck on level 29!!!?!!!!!
Level 54 anyone?
44 HELP i am very heavy foward but backwards I am not
Number 27
How do you beat the level cout the odds ?
Read the article, the answer is there!
On level 18 I put in -25,-20,-13,-3,2,8,19 but it says wrong before I can even click the tap and order help!!!!
Do any of yall know how to do the one that says….”Just pick 3 strawberries?”
Tap the whole strawberry three times
How do you get past level 25??
I cannot get past level 1!! No matter how I shake it the glass will not break!!! It’s so frustrating!!!!
It won’t work on mine either!!
How do I beat level 18? I keep tapping the words “the” and “order” at the same time and it doesn’t work. Is there something I’m supposed to do before that?
Um idk how to do 18 can someone help?
You have to tap the words “the order”
In the game. The sentence is tap the order so u basically tap the words “the order”
For level 18 you tap “the” and “order” at the same time
Cant figure out 20 help please
How to beat level 34
How do i get pass the break the egg level?? Ikno you have to flip your device but its not working…. Is there a certain way im pose to flip it or ….. HEEEELLLLPPPPPPP
Need help with level 32. Make 100 less than 1 again?
Level 18 tap “the order” at same time.
61Q: ‘What occurs once in a day & in a year, but never in a week?’
61A: “A”
62Q: ‘The smoking alarm is buzzing help!’
62A: Rub/Hold your finger over the smoke to stop the alarm
63Q: ‘Tap the smallest fish’
63A: Tap the word “fish” in the sentence
64Q: ‘Which of them is hot?’
64A: Tap the girl
65Q: ‘Tap which is near to us?’
65A: Tap the question mark at the end of the question to win!
Hope this helps some people who need help =)
help!! i cant get past break the egg!! i turned my phone but it doesn’t work!
The egg on level 34 will not break at all
what kind of phone do you have
Turn off screen rotation lock
what is the answer to 22????
How to blow the candle…. I blow on ma device’s microphone but its not working plz help me out….
I really need help on 34 no matter how many time i tried flipping my iphone down to break the egg it doesnt break at all!!! What should I do?
HELP I need help on the Pizza one I can’t figure it out at all!!
On the one u are stuck on tap the and order at the same time
You need to turn screen rotation lock off and give your game access to the microphone under settings.