Peek a Phone Joyride Walkthrough

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We have a brand new mission to solve in Peek a Phone! Today’s walkthrough covers the Joyride mission, giving you step-by-step instructions on how to complete this hard mission without any headaches.

PRO TIP: If you need help with all the in-game missions, check out my Peek a Phone walkthrough hub!

Now, let’s not waste a single second, as we have a mystery to solve! Here is my complete – and easy-to-follow – Peek a Phone Joyride walkthrough!

Peek a Phone Joyride Walkthrough

  • Open the Settings and tap on Restore data to get access to information.
  • Open Messages app and go through the conversation with Youssef to find the clue to the SafeT app and the name of the owner of this phone – Wayne. Read the conversation with Rain too.
  • Open Untitled notes to find the password to the Email – movingtola
  • Enter the Email with that and search for the email from Rain to learn how to contact the mechanic.
  • Open the Chat app and reply the German word for scam – betrug – to the mechanic.
  • He’ll tell you the location of your meet-up – Armstrong Park.
  • Open the Vault app and write that address as a password, then open the Old Passwords document to find more passwords.
  • Go to the Email from Caitie and open the PDF she sent with the password in that document – LAdre@ms!231
  • The hand written message on the PDF document is a clue to find a code from Caitie’s email symbols: (wisdom+peace) x night – royalty = (20+2)x7-12
  • Enter that equation in the Calculator app or simply write 142
  • Open the Notes and the Untitled one to find the password for the Autotrack app – getaway
  • Open that app with that password and look at the address and look on a real Google map to find the location using the instruction on the Mustang Drop-off to find the name of the Country Club – High Point (or at least it used to be this)
  • Open the SafeT app with that password and the V.I.P. camera to find the Mustang, then look at the parking spot to find the answer to this mission.

Answer: VIP lot D1

Check out my full video walkthrough for Peek a Phone – Joyride:

This is it! You have completed this mission, but there are even more in the game – some even more amazing (and difficult) and some truly mind-blowing. I have the solutions for them all, so refer to the walkthrough hub I mentioned in the intro to get them. Or just check out some random missions I’ve selected below:he’

This is it! You have completed this mission, but there are even more in the game – some even more amazing (and difficult) and some truly mind-blowing. I have the solutions for them all, so refer to the walkthrough hub I mentioned in the intro to get them. Or just check out some random missions I’ve selected below:

If you still have questions about the solution to Peek a Phone Phone chapter, comment below! Also, let me know if you would like me to add video walkthroughs to all chapters – or stick to the text-only version.


Peek a Phone Shooting Star Walkthrough

Peek a Phone A Night to Forget Walkthrough


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