Obey Me Nightbringer: Surprise Guest Lucifer Guide

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Today, we’re continuing our trip to learning everything about all the Surprise Guest interactions in Obey Me! Nightbringer, with a complete guide to Lucifer.

I’ll share below everything about the Suprise Guest interactions with Lucifer in the game, so that you know exactly what to tap or swipe in order to get maximum returns.

And in case you want to learn more about the other characters, I’ve already covered the Surprise Guest interactions for Mammon, as well as Surprise Guest Beelzebub in Obey Me! Nightbringer.

With all these covered, let’s not delay it anymore and instead let’s check out today’s guide to Surprise Guest Lucifer in Obey Me Nightbringer.

Obey Me Nightbringer Lucifer Surprise Guest Interactions Guide

Obey Me Nightbringer Lucifer Surprise Guest Interactions

When Lucifer is chosen as the character for the Suprise Guest mini game in Obey Me Nightbringer, you need to tap or swipe over the best part in order to get maximum points.

I’ve done a bit of trial and error so you don’t have to, and I am ready to share with you all the interactions that work well.

Lucifer will become your Surprise Guest in the game in two instances – either as a Home Screen interaction, or by being randomly chosen from all characters after completing a Ruri★Tunes battle.

Lucifer Surprise Guest interactions after Ruri★Tunes battles

If Lucifer is chosen as your surprise guest after you complete a stage, here is what you should do to max out the points, depending on his comments that I am also listing below:

“I’m feeling good. Why don’t we open a bottle of my prized Demonus?”

Actions to perform:

  1. Tap Face (or tap arm)
  2. Tap Head or Head Swipe
  3. Chest Swipe

“I know you want to give me a high five, don’t you? Fine, just this once. Call it a special occasion.”

Actions to perform:

  1. High five
  2. Head Swipe
  3. Head Swipe or Chest Swipe

“Honestly, I feel awful.” (after losing)

Actions to perform:

  1. Chest Swipe
  2. Chest Swipe
  3. Chest Swipe or Tap Arm

As we can see, you will generally not go wrong by interacting with Lucifer’s chest. Definitely we found a great spot there.

Lucifer Surprise Guest interactions – Home Screen

lucifer surprise guest home screen interactions

Anyway, Lucifer can also become the Surprise Guest from the Home Screen interaction, and based on what he says, here is what you should do:

“What? There’s no reason to be nervous. I don’t bite.”

Actions to perform:

  1. Tap face
  2. Face Swipe
  3. Tap chest

You can check out an example video for Lucifer interactions below:

“Do you realize what time it is? Don’t push yourself too hard.”

Actions to perform:

  1. Tap Face
  2. Tap Face
  3. Tap Face

OK, so it seems that when home screen interactions are concerned, Lucifer’s space becomes the safest choice. Interesting, as all the other characters in Obey Me Nightbringer offer at least a bit of variety.

Things to know about Surprise Guest Lucifer in Obey Me! Nightbringer

There are a few things that you should know about the Surprise Guest interactions in Obey Me! Nightbringer with Lucifer (or any other character).

These are pretty much common knowledge at the moment, but I am listing them below just to make sure you do know about them, especially if you’re just starting to play:

  • different actions (tapping or swiping other areas) might score plenty of points too, but the ones listed above are tested and all work well.
  • when it comes to tapping or swiping, it doesn’t matter on which side of the body you do it, if applicable (e.g. left arm tap or right arm tap – it’s the same)
  • when you can gift items to a character, make sure to choose the sparkling ones, as those are their favorite and they increase points.

Make sure to also read the Obey Me Nightbringer Surprise Guest Interactions for all characters for an overview for all demons and characters.

Final words

This covers all the correct interactions for Surprise Guest Lucifer in Obey Me! Nightbringer. I will make sure to publish the guides for all the other characters, so make sure to check back often if you need them.

Also, if you manage to find other interactions that give you maximum points, please share them with the world by commenting below. Don’t forget to tell us what kind of message they work for and what step.


Obey Me Nightbringer: Surprise Guest Beelzebub Guide

Obey Me Nightbringer: Surprise Guest Leviathan Guide


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