Age of Empires Mobile Best Civilization

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Age of Empires Mobile brings the classic strategy vibe to handheld devices. With eight civilizations on offer, each boasting distinct bonuses, it can be tricky to figure out which one to pick, that’s why I’m here to help you decide.

I’m sure there’s a civilization out there to match your style. This guide covers all of them in detail, including their strengths, weaknesses, and how they fit into both early and late stages of the game.

Civilization Tier List

Below is a quick overview of how other players rank these civilizations. Your own experience may differ based on how you want to play, but it’s a handy starting point.

TierCivilizationsNotes on Playstyle
SChinese, KoreanHigh resource gains or looting potential
AJapanese, RomanGreat balance of combat and economic perks
BFrench, ByzantineMid-tier boosts, shine in specific setups
CBritish, EgyptianMore defensive or niche resource bonuses

Changing Civilizations

After completing the tutorial and reaching the Feudal Age, you’ll get the option to lock in your first civilization.

If you want to switch later on, you can do so by spending 200 Empire Coins. It might be smart to start with a civilization that excels early and swap to another once you’ve built up some power.

Some players choose Chinese early on to get a big economic lead, then swap to Roman or French once they have a larger city and want specialized troop or resource perks. Test different approaches if you have the resources to spare.

Detailed Overviews


Age of Empires Mobile Civilization - Chinese

Troop Focus: Archer
Bonuses: Archer defense +5%, villager capacity +8, walls durability +10%
Best For: Rapid early growth

Having more villagers straight from the start gives you a steady influx of resources, letting you construct buildings and train troops faster.

The extra wall durability also helps with early defenses, but the real star here is that big villager boost, which keeps you ahead in the resource race.


Age of Empires Mobile Civilization - Korean

Troop Focus: Cavalry
Bonuses: Cavalry defense +5%, looting limit +500k, resource storage protection rate +10%
Best For: Fast raids and plunder

If you’re into heavy aggression and want to loot opponents or map locations for extra goodies, Korean bonuses fit perfectly.

The boosted looting cap helps you haul away large stashes. You also protect your own resources from being pillaged, which is valuable in kingdoms where everyone is on the offensive.


Age of Empires Mobile Civilization - Japanese

Troop Focus: Swordsmen
Bonuses: Swordsman defense +5%, attack vs. player citadels +5%, attack vs. tribes +10%
Best For: Combat-oriented play

Japanese might not shower you with economic perks, but the extra punch against tribes and player fortresses is fantastic if you want a fast-paced, fighting-heavy approach.

If you like earning rewards from battles on the map and clashing with other players, Japan is a strong pick.


Age of Empires Mobile Civilization - Roman

Troop Focus: Pikemen
Bonuses: Pikemen defense +5%, healing speed +5%, villagers add +30 production per building
Best For: Balanced progress and big late-game potential

The Roman civilization offers decent survival rate for Pikemen and speeds up healing. Early on, the healing boost might not seem massive, but it can help you bounce back if you battle often.

Once you’ve unlocked more villagers, that production bonus adds up quickly, making the Romans shine in longer matches.


Age of Empires Mobile Civilization - French

Troop Focus: Cavalry
Bonuses: Cavalry defense +5%, resource exchange rate +5%, gathering troops defense +10%
Best For: Trading and mid-to-late resource swaps

French cavalry can hold their own, and their trading bonus lets you convert resources at better rates.

If your strategy revolves around balancing stone, wood, and food through the marketplace, or you run strong gathering squads, this civilization can pay off, especially once your town is more developed.


Age of Empires Mobile Civilization - Byzantine

Troop Focus: Swordsmen
Bonuses: Swordsmen defense +5%, all units’ siege damage +5%, stone gathering +5%
Best For: Mixed playstyles, moderate siege advantage

Byzantines can work well if you favor Swordsmen and want to knock down enemy structures faster.

The stone-gathering boost doesn’t revolutionize your economy, but it still helps. This civilization can be a decent all-rounder without a strict emphasis on any one approach.


Age of Empires Mobile Civilization - British

Troop Focus: Archer
Bonuses: Archers’ defense +5%, player citadel defense +10%, mill production +5%
Best For: Defensive and food-focused play

British is more about defending your turf and amassing food. If an attacker close to your level comes knocking, that 10% defense bonus might save your day.

However, those aiming for high-octane offense might find other civs more appealing for early aggression.


Age of Empires Mobile Civilization - Egyptian

Troop Focus: Pikemen
Bonuses: Pikemen defense +5%, troop load +5%, gathering troop unit loss prevention +5%
Best For: Pike lovers and resource gathering

This civ is meant for those who send out armies to gather resources on the map. In many kingdoms, that might not be the main focus, so if you prefer a heavier military approach, the Egyptians may feel underwhelming.

Still, those who consistently farm resource nodes could see steady benefits.

Wrapping up

Each civ has its own troop focus (archer, swordsman, cavalry, or pikeman) and a few buffs that often pair well with certain army types or economic strategies.

Chinese and Korean are often best for a fast start, while French or Roman might appeal to players who think ahead to the endgame. There’s no right or wrong pick – play around with whichever bonuses fit your style.

Your civilization choice can influence your entire playthrough, from army composition to resource priorities. Keep an eye on your troop strengths, gather those resources, pick the best heroes, and adapt your civ choice as your needs evolve.

By combining a strong economy, clever military composition, and the occasional civilization switch, you can stay competitive in Age of Empires Mobile. Choose wisely, adapt as you progress, and keep expanding your empire.


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