Age of Empires Mobile Best Heroes

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Age of Empires Mobile has a lot of heroes and troop types and so this article is going to help you find the best team. Only a select few setups truly rise above the rest.

Below is a complete guide of how they work together, followed by specific recommendations for each troop category – Swordsmen, Pikemen, Archers, Cavalry, and specialized Gathering squads.

I’ll include all types of hero lineups, from those you get for free to those you need to pay for so you know what to expect in each situation.

Hero Basics

Match your heroes’ specialties and troop focus. If your main hero specializes in swordsmen, then slot in secondary heroes who share that category.

Skills like Earth Crush, Weak Spot Attack, or Furious Charge can be stacked or layered to amplify your damage, defense, or healing potential.

A well-planned synergy grants higher odds of triggering additional strikes, counterattacks, or other valuable effects.


Archers thrive on high damage at a distance. This makes them great for burst tactics and quick take-downs. Below are primary combos, including budget-friendly and more expensive picks.

Mulan Power Bursts

Commander: Mulan
Secondaries: Rani Durgavati + Josephine or King Derek + Josephine
Key Skills: Furious Charge, Weak Spot Attack, Double Attack

Mulan’s damage spike, combined with secondary-trigger skills, ramps up single-target burst. Rani or Derek can slot in for auxiliary damage or synergy effects.

Josephine helps layer Weak Spot Attack and Double Attack, leading to devastating output. Some players swap Rani for Derek if rosters differ, but the principle remains the same – Mulan is your anchor for multi-strike combos.

Archer Double-Attack Teams

Commander: Bellevue
Secondaries: Mulan + Attila or Mulan + Rani Durgavati
Key Skills: Double Attack, Weak Spot Attack, Warrior’s Hymn

Bellevue grants consistent ranged damage, while Attila or Rani can supply double-attack buffs or supplementary strikes. If Attila is present, expect a strong boost to follow-up hits.

Archer Debuff Lineup

Commander: Suleiman
Secondaries: Queen Seondeok + Theodora
Key Skills: Debuff-based passives, Weak Spot Attack

A debuff-heavy approach disrupts enemy plans and can cripple their defense if they lack cleansing methods. Suleiman coordinates the synergy, while Seondeok and Theodora unleash layered weakening effects.

Mixed Archer-Cavalry

Commander: Mulan
Secondaries: Josephine + Attila
Key Skills: Double Attack, Weak Spot Attack, Secondary-Strike Buffs

Attila enables group-wide double strikes, especially valuable for heroes like Mulan who trigger extra damage events. Though built around archers, it leverages cavalry synergy for additional potency.


Fast and furious, cavalry squads excel at rapid engagements, forcing opponents into quick retreats. Some builds focus on crowd control, others on raw burst.

Cavalry Duel Pressure

Commander: Cid
Secondaries: Tariq + Bushra
Key Skills: Slowdown Effects, Additional Damage to Slowed Enemies

The plan here is simple – chase enemies, hit them with speed debuffs, and deal bonus damage while they’re slowed. Cid’s strike synergy pairs well with Tariq’s pursuit and Bushra’s supportive hits.

Active-Skill Barrage

Commander: Yi Seong-gye
Secondaries: Sejong the Great + Bushra
Key Skills: Mighty Active Skills, Quick Cooldown Passives

This lineup revolves around repeated casting of active abilities. Each hero is relatively easy to find and level, making it an excellent option for early or mid-level players who still want a strong cavalry presence.

Cavalry Critical Strikes

Commander: Lu Bu
Secondaries: Guan Yu + Attila
Key Skills: Critical Rate Boosts, Bonus Damage on Crit

Lu Bu’s burst, paired with Guan Yu’s critical synergy and Attila’s supportive hits, can take down targets in seconds. This works best in a raid-style offense against weaker flanks.

Crit-Double Variation

Commander: Guan Yu
Secondaries: Harald + Attila
Key Skills: Critical Rate Buffs, Secondary Strike Triggers

Combine high crit rate with double strikes for more frequent devastation. Harald complements Guan Yu by adding further damage output, while Attila cements the synergy.


Pikemen specialize in counterattacks and stable team support. Many builds revolve around punishing enemies that dare to launch normal attacks.

Supportive Buffers

Commander: Ram Khamhaeng
Secondaries: Octavian + Julius Caesar
Key Skills: Team Buffs, Attribute Increases

A robust combo for boosting allied stats. Caesar’s universal support merges well with Ram Khamhaeng’s troop boosts, and Octavian adds more group benefits to keep your overall formation strong.

Leonidas Counterattack

Commander: Leonidas
Secondaries: Joan of Arc + Frederick Barbarossa (or Darius the Great)
Key Skills: Whirlwind Sweep, Forceful Retaliation

Leonidas triggers counterattacks at an increased rate, especially effective when facing multiple opponents. Joan supplies stability, while Frederick or Darius applies extra damage or support.

Advanced Leonidas Blend

Commander: Richard
Secondaries: Leonidas + Frederick Barbarossa (or Boudica if you prefer)
Key Skills: Whirlwind Sweep, Counterattack Buffs

By making Richard the commander, you gain strong defensive talents up front, combining them with Leonidas for an even heavier focus on returning damage.


Swordsmen are typically all-rounders, balancing offense and defense with a leaning toward direct combat.

Samurai Strike Force

Commander: Miyamoto Musashi
Secondaries: Tribhuwana + Constantine
Key Skills: Active Offense, Exploiting Routed Enemies

Musashi hits hard when active skills come off cooldown. Tribhuwana’s synergy with Constantine’s healing and damage reduction helps maintain pressure while avoiding collapse.

Immunity and Sustained Damage

Commander: Yodit
Secondaries: Tribhuwana + Miyamoto Musashi
Key Skills: Damage Immunity, Continuous Damage

By cycling immunities and repeated hits, your swordsmen maintain a solid presence. Yodit leads the party, with Tribhuwana shoring up damage output and Musashi finishing foes.

Budget-Friendly vs. Premium Pairings

Below are extra combos originally detailed for both cost-conscious and premium players. They overlap with many lineups above, but focus specifically on simpler skill sets for those just starting or those willing to invest deeply.

Warrior Swordsmen

F2P: Hammurabi (Primary), Triana, King Derek
P2W: Mamoto (Primary), Triana, Yodit
Recommended Skills: Earth Crush, High Spirit, Fortification, Bloodthirst, Sunder

Warrior Pikemen

F2P: Richard (Primary), Joan of Arc, Freddy
P2W: Leonidas (Primary), Richard, Boudica
Recommended Skills: Whirlwind Sweep, Forceful Retaliation, Fearless Retribution, Medal of Valor

Warrior Archers

F2P: Josephine (Primary), King Derek, Attila the Hun
P2W: Mulan (Primary), King Derek, Attila the Hun
Recommended Skills: Weak Spot Attack, Double Attack, Earth Crush, Sunder, Warrior’s Hymn

Gathering Lineups

In later stages, gathering marches become vital. You can assemble up to four specialized marches – one per troop type.

Troop TypeCommanderSecondariesNotable Skills
SwordsmenKing DerekBaldassi + NinoGathering, March Speed
PikemenDarius the GreatThanius + LeoGathering, March Speed
CavalryCleopatraNarses + KasoGathering, March Speed
ArchersDiao ChanYuan Xia + LeonGathering, March Speed

Extra Tips

  • BlueStacks can provide a smoother gaming experience if playing on a computer.
  • Check current tier lists to see which heroes rank highest in emerging metas.
  • Always keep synergy in mind – if a hero’s skill set points to archers, back them up with heroes who do the same.


Every player will find different favorites, but the lineups above highlight some of the most efficient ways to build your forces. By aligning hero specialties and troop types, you gain commanding firepower in PvP and PvE.

As the game progresses, stay aware of new heroes and event-limited options, since certain characters or skills might shift the meta. Make sure you pick the best civilization that fits your needs and that will also help your heroes.

If you have thoughts or new combos worth exploring, share them in the comment section below.


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