Storyteller Walkthrough Final Chapter – Novels

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As we get closer and closer to the end, my walkthrough for Storyteller’s final chapter Novels seems to come here right on time.

Each title is much longer than you’ve seen in my last walkthrough for Storyteller Chapter 13 Drama, and probably why it is called Novels.

You’ll see all the answers you need for each title in my video walkthrough below, or go read the walkthrough under if you need a slower approach.

Storyteller Final Chapter – Novels Walkthrough

This will not be like the regular chapters you’re used to, but you’ll have a chance to build up a more in-depth story for each title.

Storyteller Walkthrough Final Chapter Novels

1. Mad Husband

Title: Edgar Murders His Wife

  • First scene: Edgar marries Lenora.
  • Second scene: Isobel likes Edgar and he refuses to marry her.
  • Third scene: Isobel makes some poison to get revenge.
  • Fourth scene: Lenora drinks the poison thinking it’s wine.
  • Fifth scene: Edgar marries Isobel.
  • Sixth scene: Edgar talks to Lenora’s ghost (seance scene) and she tells him Isobel killed her.
  • Seventh scene: Edgar makes poison to avenge the death of his first wife.
  • Eighth scene: Isobel drinks the poisoned wine.
Storyteller Walkthrough Final Chapter Novels - Mad Husband

2. Loose End

Title: Duke Shoots Detective to Avoid Prison

  • First scene: The Duke witnesses the ballroom.
  • Second scene: The Duchess tells the King she loves him in the ballroom.
  • Third scene: The Duke goes to get the Gun.
  • Fourth scene: The Duchess witnesses the ballroom.
  • Fifth scene: The Duke kills the King in the ballroom.
  • Sixth scene: The Duke witnesses the ballroom.
  • Seventh scene: The Duchess tells the Detective about what she saw in the ballroom.
  • Eighth scene: The Duke kills the Detective in the ballroom.
Storyteller Walkthrough Final Chapter Novels - Loose End

3. Vindictive Wife

Title: Unfaithful Husband Punished

  • First scene: The Witch marries the Prince.
  • Second scene: The Mirror tells the Witch that Snowy is more beautiful.
  • Third scene: The Witch turns back into the old lady (cauldron scene)
  • Fourth scene: The Witch transforms Snowy into a frog in the forest.
  • Fifth scene: The Prince sees frog Snowy in the forest.
  • Sixth scene: The Prince kisses Snowy to turn her back into a girl.
  • Seventh scene: The Mirror tells the Witch that Snowy is still more beautiful, which means the Prince kissed Snowy.
  • Eighth scene: The Witch transforms the Prince into a frog in the forest.
Storyteller Walkthrough Final Chapter Novels - Vindictive Wife

4. Love Revolution

Title: Knight and Maid Murder the Monarchs and Have an Affair

  • First scene: The King and Maid have an affair and the Knight sees them.
  • Second scene: The King and Maid have an affair and the Queen sees them.
  • Third scene: The Knight pushes the King off the cliff.
  • Fourth scene: The Queen kidnaps the Maid.
  • Fifth scene: The Knight releases the Maid.
  • Sixth scene: The Maid pushes the Queen off the cliff.
  • Seventh scene: The Maid and the Knight will have an affair.
Storyteller Walkthrough Final Chapter Novels - Love Revolution

Wrapping up

Every chapter has been a challenge and you managed them all. But it doesn’t seem like the end to me, they’ll add 11 new twists throughout the chapters.

Make sure to check out my next walkthrough for Storyteller The Ceremony, where they’ll add a few Devil twists to the chapters you already solved. Have fun with the new titles that come with them.


Storyteller Walkthrough Chapter 13 – Drama

Storyteller Walkthrough The Ceremony ALL Bonus Levels


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