Riddle on the Wall Answers: Level 16 – Level 30

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We are back with more answers for Riddle on the Wall, and this time we’re going to solve 15 more levels, aka riddles 16 to 30. There are again some really interesting and inventive riddles here that are hard to guess, but we have the solution to all of them and luckily for those who are stuck, we’re sharing it!

We also have the first 15 riddles solved in our previous article, Riddle on the Wall Answers: Level 1 – Level 15 and even more will come as soon as we solve the riddles. Now let’s check out our new set of answers!

Riddle on the Wall Answers: Level 16

Riddle: The person who buys it never uses it and the person who uses it doesn’t know they are. What is it?
Answer: Coffin

Riddle on the Wall Answers: Level 17

Riddle: Until I am measured, I am not known, yet how you miss me when I have flown. What am I?
Answer: Time

Riddle on the Wall Answers: Level 18

Riddle: Created before but made today. This is used most when others are asleep. What is it?
Answer: bed

Riddle on the Wall Answers: Level 19

Riddle: They come out at night without being claled, and are lost in the day without being stolen. What are they?
Answer: Stars

Riddle on the Wall Answers: Level 20

Riddle: A response to a mistake that when offered is suspected. In desperation it is expressed, the truth is apparently rejected.
Answer: Excuse

Riddle on the Wall Answers: Level 21

Riddle: It is by nature, soft as silk. A puffy cloud, white as milk. Snow tops this tropical crop, the dirties part of the mop. What is it?
Answer: Cotton

Riddle on the Wall Answers: Level 22

Riddle: What has many keys but can’t open even a single door?
Answer: Piano

Riddle on the Wall Answers: Level 23

Riddle: I’m holes tied to more holes, and really not much more. I am only as strong as my weakest part. What am I?
Answer: Chain

Riddle on the Wall Answers: Level 24

Riddle: What is the one thing you will never see again?
Answer: Yesterday

Riddle on the Wall Answers: Level 25

Riddle: What do you throw away that keeps returning?
Answer: Boomerang

Riddle on the Wall Answers: Level 26

Riddle: They are put on a table and cut but never eaten. What are they?
Answer: Cards

Riddle on the Wall Answers: Level 27

Riddle: A peanut shaped body, two parts joined in one. The more it stands still, the faster it runs. What is it?
Answer: Hourglass

Riddle on the Wall Answers: Level 28

Riddle: Sometimes called a rock, often worth a great deal. A bauble or a precious stone, so tempting for some to steal. What is it?
Answer: Jewel

Riddle on the Wall Answers: Level 29

Riddle: It is black when you get it, red when you use it and white when you’re all through with it. What is it?
Answer: Charcoal

Riddle on the Wall Answers: Level 30

Riddle: With “T” it is the crime of country betrayed. San “T” it is the grounds for an argument made. What is it?
Answer: Treason

And there you have it, even more answers for the great riddles of Riddle on the Wall! I really hope that they help and that you’ll be back soon for even more answers.

Update: And more riddles have been answered in our Riddle on the Wall answers article for riddles 31 to 45! Make sure to check it out if you still need help!


Hi Guess the Riddle Level 3 Answers

Riddle on the Wall Answers: Level 31 – Level 45


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