Remote work or work from home, also known as telecommuting is a type of working arrangement where an employee is allowed to work from home or any other remote location outside the office.
Remote working can be full-time or part-time depending on the agreement. There are numerous perks of remote working. It allows the employee to make a better balance between their private and business life, access to career, and lower costs.
There are also benefits for the company. Remote working increases employee satisfaction, there are lower expenses for the company, increased productivity, and reduced costs on physical resources.
Remote working demands a policy on network security, performance rate, and equipment. There are some tricky situations on the network that can endanger the company and employees themselves while remote working. Here is some advice on how to escape these situations.
Personal Devices
It is common sense for remote workers to use their devices for job purposes. These devices can be less secured and have some technical weaknesses than those issued by the company.
Software of the personal devices can lack some updates, or not be updated at all, also, these devices may have lacked the extensions essential for working or have no proper processor.
If your company cannot issue the device to the worker then make sure for the IT sector to adapt the employee’s device to the company’s demands.
VPN Connections
Reorganize your VPN connection. It is almost impossible to extend your network to all the workers, but make sure to reach most of them and to make the VPN reorganization towards the people who should be beholders of the sensitive company data. Workers need to have permission to access the information they need for work.
Security is everyone’s job. But if you are having a remote team then you have to have them trained on the basics of security. Your remote force should know how to make their devices as secure as possible.
This is essential knowledge for lone workers, who work with highly sensitive data, and all on the network.
They should behold the knowledge on how to spot phishing, data leak, hacker attack, and to report it to the IT department.
Your workers should be acquainted with the minimum knowledge when it comes to routers. The IT department cannot come to every employee’s home and set up the network.
So, it is important to educate your employees on how to set their own network and how to create a separate network only for job purposes, for personal devices, and for personal use.
This way, they will be able to recognize and prevent hacker and cyber-criminals attacks.
Data Clouds
To prevent the loss of data, you must make sure that your employees always keep your data saved on the cloud as well.
Sometimes, they save it only on the device either it is personal or issued by the company. In any case, the data must be uploaded to the cloud and be stored there in case of system failure, all of the workers should still have access to the data.
Also, if a device error or failure occurs, you must always be sure that the job-important data is not affected.