Can You Escape the 100 Room 17 Walkthrough: Level 3 – Level 4

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Another walkthrough for Can You Escape the 100 Room 17 for Level 3 and Level 4 is ready for you, with all the answers you need to solve the puzzles.

The puzzles are engaging and fun, but sometimes you might have trouble finding the right answer. Check out the walkthrough below to see how to solve all and find the keys.

Can You Escape the 100 Room 17 Level 3 Walkthrough

Can you Escape 100 Room 17 Level 3
  • On the left of the room, there’s a switch to pull on.
  • The numbers 21.47 are made out of different symbols each:
    • 8 anchors
    • 3 palm trees
    • 9 dolphins
    • 4 seahorses
  • Click on the box on the floor, take the red anchor next to it, and enter those numbers in 8394.
  • Take the screwdriver.
  • Put the red anchor on the wheel, take the green lightning from the inside, and notice the colors underneath.
  • Use the screwdriver to open up the yellow panel in the front.
  • Take the switch from inside and the bulb from on top of the panel box.
  • Check out the pink panel on the right wall and put the green lightning there.
  • Arrange the lightnings in the order shown on the wheel:
    • blue – green – pink
  • Once open add the bulb to the device and solve the math puzzle.
    • Each number has some wires that lead to the bulbs below.
    • Adding the Roman numbers they need to add up to the numbers shown:
      • 23: XI+IX+III
      • 37: XI+IX+X+VII
      • 26: IX+X+VII
    • So the right order is: XI+IX+III+X+VII
  • Add the switch to the new device you found and switch it on.
  • Add the numbers shown on the pressure dials: 55 – 25 – 75
  • Now you can go out through the window on the left and move to the next level.

Can You Escape the 100 Room 17 Level 4 Walkthrough

Can you Escape 100 Room 17 Level 4
  • Take the fishing rod on the right.
  • Open the drawer of the desk on the left and take the hook.
  • Also, notice the writings on the desk:
  • Add the hook to the fishing rod.
  • Use that to get a fish from the painting in front.
  • On the shelf next to the door there’s one box that needs that fish shape.
  • Take the scissors and use them to cut through the teddy bear and take the paper with hints from inside.
  • Take a look at the other box on the shelf and match the lines with the paper you found and the writings on the desk to see the shape the letters make when put in that order.
  • The order is the one on the desk so here’s the correct pattern order of the pushed symbols from left to write:
    • 1st – 3rd – 6th – 2nd – 4th – 5th
  • You’ll find an injector that you can use on the apple in the picture and take it.
  • Look at the loading door of the stove, add the apple to the fruits there, and arrange them to match the shapes.
Can you Escape 100 Room 17 Level 4 Fruits Puzzle
  • Take the hammer and use it to break the glass of the painting to find the key to get out.

Wrapping up

More walkthroughs await you for Can You Escape the 100 Room 17 game, where I can help you solve all the puzzles you encounter.

Come back for more clues and walkthroughs for the next levels. The puzzles are new and fun to play.

Other articles to check:


Can You Escape the 100 Room 17 Walkthrough: Level 1 – Level 2

Can You Escape the 100 Room 17 Walkthrough: Level 5 – Level 6


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