Discover Brain Test 2 Fitness with Cindy answers alongside me. Another great brain teaser game to play and relax.
Below you’ll find all the answers to how to get Cindy in a fit shape. Follow my walkthrough or watch my video on Brain Test 2 Fitness with Cindy level 1 to level 20 answers so you can keep playing the game and other games that will unlock after.
If you like this kind of game, I think you’ll enjoy my other articles on Brain Out Tricky Puzzle walkthrough for level 1 to level 50.
Brain Test 2 Fitness with Cindy Level 1 Answer
Request: She wants some chips, but can’t reach up there.
Answer: Bump your scooter into the shelf a few times.
Brain Test 2 Fitness with Cindy Level 2 Answer
Request: Use her love of chips to make her run.
Answer: Drag the chips around the screen away from her.
Brain Test 2 Fitness with Cindy Level 3 Answer
Request: Don’t let her use the elevator.
Answer: Drag the old man’s walking stick, press the button up, and put the walking stick between the opened doors.
Brain Test 2 Fitness with Cindy Level 4 Answer
Request: Help her ascend the stairs.
Answer: Tap each stair under her and drag it up, till it reaches the one higher.
Brain Test 2 Fitness with Cindy Level 5 Answer
Request: Her feet are terrible after all that climbing. Help her.
Answer: Drag the blue basin under her feet. Open the fridge and drag the water inside over the basin. It will cool down her feet.
Brain Test 2 Fitness with Cindy Level 6 Answer
Request: She is looking for an easy way to burn calories.
Answer: Drag the lighter over the word calories until it gets burned away.
Brain Test 2 Fitness with Cindy Level 7 Answer
Request: She wants to start doing exercises, but doesn’t know how.
Answer: Drag the clothes out of the bed and laundry basket out of the way, till you find her phone and ID. Hand them to her.
Brain Test 2 Fitness with Cindy Level 8 Answer
Request: Let’s begin with the treadmill.
Answer: First off, tie her shoelaces. Next, you can start the treadmill slowly till she adjusts with each level.
Brain Test 2 Fitness with Cindy Level 9 Answer
Request: She must stretch her body with pilates.
Answer: Tap each limb and drag it to each corner of her blanket.
Brain Test 2 Fitness with Cindy Level 10 Answer
Request: She must get rid of unhealthy foods in the kitchen.
Answer: Open the fridge and pull out the cake, soda, ice cream, chocolate, and hamburger and put them all in the trash. Move her hand to reveal the snacks she’s hiding and throw that too.
Brain Test 2 Fitness with Cindy Level 11 Answer
Request: Some outdoor exercise will be great.
Answer: Give her the two dumbbells in each hand. Then pinch the mon and make it bigger so it’s easier for her to lift.
Brain Test 2 Fitness with Cindy Level 12 Answer
Request: She is walking so slow, make her run!
Answer: Move the rock by the fence to find a key. Open the padlock and with the rock open the gate so the dog inside will start barking.
Brain Test 2 Fitness with Cindy Level 13 Answer
Request: They are so good that it breaks her spirit. Find a solution.
Answer: Move the stopper from the ball weight so it twirls and makes the girl fall. Add more weight to the girl lifting weights.
Brain Test 2 Fitness with Cindy Level 14 Answer
Request: She must follow her trainer’s guidance.
Answer: When his thumb is up slide her up so she raises her arms up. When his thumb is down, tap her legs so she jumps in the air.
Brain Test 2 Fitness with Cindy Level 15 Answer
Request: She needs some more encouragement.
Answer: Press the tablet in front of her till you find a picture of her. Tap the little heart so she feels good about it.
Brain Test 2 Fitness with Cindy Level 16 Answer
Request: She must maintain her balance.
Answer: Swipe her arms up when she’s losing her balance forward, and her leg when she’s losing her balance backward.
Brain Test 2 Fitness with Cindy Level 17 Answer
Request: We must find a way to make her dislike ice cream.
Answer: Drag the old man’s groceries out of the bench. Take the green ball and put it on top of her ice cream.
Brain Test 2 Fitness with Cindy Level 18 Answer
Request: She mustn’t get to sleep before doing some exercises.
Answer: Turn on the lights from the switch. She’ll get up to turn them off a few times, then she’ll remove the lightbulb. You’ll find another one in the drawer with the potted plant.
Brain Test 2 Fitness with Cindy Level 19 Answer
Request: She has become quite fit. Now let’s build some muscle.
Answer: Drag her up to build muscle, and down when she gets tired, so she can rest for a bit.
Brain Test 2 Fitness with Cindy Level 20 Answer
Request: She has worked hard and established a healthy lifestyle. Time for a reward.
Answer: Drag fruits and milk into the shaker. Then give it to her when ready.
Congrats! You did it! Now you can go and have a healthy snack!
If you still need help finishing Brain Test 2 Fitness with Cindy, you can take a look at the video below as I show you how I did everything.
Once finished with this, you can move on to my next article for Brain Test 2 Prison Escape answers for all levels.
I like these brain teaser games, and if you do too, I strongly recommend Braindom 2 answers level 1 to level 20 if you start playing it.